Interpreter of Maladies
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Tracking friends-II
More on friends. Though a blog seems too scarce a space to cover all. Here is talking about a small subset:
Lunatic is a funny name to have on blogspot but Sonal has always had a real funny side to him. He has taught me to laugh and take things easy once in a while. Not that I always listen but its nice to see someone so much in love with life. I know him since the past 6 years and we have had our tiffs and lows quite often. Yet, the unwavering spirit with which he comes face to face with challenges imparts a lesson or two about resilience. Creativity is second nature to him. Art, poetry, humor-his skills at these need no mention. Right now, he is working his way off to glory before he sets off on an enlightening journey for an MBA.
Lalita: Lilu is in Delhi these days but then she was in Delhi even 2 years back. She is this smart consultant-has almost taught me consulting by rote. Still believe she saved my life on the nite before the summer interview. Lilu that sermon on currency fluctuations was ultimate :D. What I remember the most about our days together is the long walks in the "park" near the office and the hasty coffee and sandwitch at Barista. Gone are the days :( Lilu do come back for an MDP here. IIMC isnt a bad place after all !!!
Fauzia : Fauz is in Delhi too. We all were part of this real nice clique of friends at a "not so nice" office in Delhi. Fauz is great with numbers. Those studious specs do give a perception of a highly mathematical wizard nearby. Add to it her Chartered Acoountant qualifications and voila that is Fauz. She loves chocolates-Bounty-if i aint wrong :D and the simple joys of life. She is a great friend and amongst the nicest women that I have known. Keep smiling Fauz-worries in life are too short to be worth anything much.
Posted by reclusive_catalyst ::
7:48 PM ::

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