Interpreter of Maladies
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Mad mad rush
I should sit and fiddle through my CV right now but since I dont have the heart to find out any more about myself (read:excavate) or to put the same in a fancy form-I have decided to return to my recluse. Why am I so anti job, anti rush? Why am I not able to enjoy this whole mad rush for summer placements in my B-school like many others? Why do I scorn making CVs, filling forms, dreaming of a high powered internship on Wall Street? Is it something within me or am I too afraid to test waters?
The murky business of marketing myself through a CV has driven me to nuts. Sample this:
"Since birth I wanted to be an I-banker"...yeah, sure, I believe you !! "I have a passion for marketing anything and everything on Planet Earth"....hillarious..buffonery at its best. I shud also write then "I just looove consulting. I have consulted my parents, my friends, my teachers, my dog !!!" dammit. Couple it with the silly formatting and the perils of working on Bill Gate's Word. The margins, the borders, the spacing-its the worst timepass ever. I have looked at my CV long and hard and decided to chuck any thoughts of doing anything more with it. Though its a silly reflection of my inherent talents, my absolutely dazzling personality and my multifaceted capabilities-I'd rather not bore a recruiter to death. If he knows me so much, he'd rather come and ask me to become the CEO of his company.
There is a skit that is staged everyday at my school-for mortals it is called a PPT. Some guys in pricey suits come and speak about their organizations. Some are "full attitude"-you come coz we are the best, and there are others who beg you to consider, give a shot to their companies. People dont listen to what they say. They are busy framing intelligent questions to ask in the talk. So that the guy on the other side would be like "WOW !! that kid is real smart"...this question asking (QA) pressure is so much that you can see constipated faces in the lecture hall, busy whacking their brains to come up with an OOTW (out-of-the-world) question. Creates so much peer pressure on the few innocent others, who, faced with a pressure to QA-blurt out questions like "you have told us all nice things abt ur company, please enligten us with some wekanesses too". Earth-shattering is the feeling I have felt so many times in the past few months. I'd rather wish I'd go back to the low-tech, low-funda engineering college, that I hail from. Where, I used to look for a decent suit, 10 minutes before an interview, coz all my t-shirts were torn from one place or the other. Those beautiful, innocent days. I pity the kids who come straight from college to do an MBA..this would be a helluva ride for them. From their innocent havens they come to this mad mad place where everyone has kept their brains safely locked in vaults at home, and have come here with flashy suits and unwieldy words. There are also some permanent cynics, who would scorn what junta does, would have a comment to make on nething and everything, but inside, closeted in their rooms, would do the very same thing. More than the flashy, mindless people, its these cynic hypocrites, who are in a worse position. Am I also turning into one!!! Who knows !!
Enough of silly, mindless diary stuff. Exams start soon. I'd rather study. Not for grades but because I cam here for this, for doing an MBA. The whole purpose is getting lost in this mad rush, it seems.
Posted by reclusive_catalyst ::
7:10 PM ::

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