Interpreter of Maladies
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
hibernation over
Been hibernating for months now. Time I got up and write something. Passively I have written a lot in the last three months. Wrote an article for the college magazine, not that I really like it, but researched article rather than general globe was my first experience and I should say it wasn't that bad. Junta complained of the article being too long, not comprehensive enough, painstakingly verbose etc. etc. Would have published it on my blog, just that I'd rather publish writings that I am personally fond of, which brings me to the poem I wrote yesterday. 'Twas raining cats and dogs and me closeted inside my room with the most terrible cold I have had in years, could only write this....(it doesn't make much sense...I watched Remington Steele yesterday and being a Pierce Brosnan fan, this seemed an akmost obvious thing to write :D)
I have often wondered what are the meanings hidden in your eyes
when you smile and you frown
your eyes turn a shade darker than your face;
as if its something sinister inside you
that has come out and taken the shape of your feelings
I know you are evil
you dont mean no harm but thats when you harm the most
when you flirtingly compliment me on the color of my eyes
you are enjoying the blush creeping across my face;
I like looking at you, walking out of my doorway
I love to enjoy the little victory I achieve
with letting you go, not even calling you back;
but then the sadness in your eyes
at being refused the thing you relish
holds me by my arm and I call you back
"would I see you again tomorrow?"
and then the same twitching of your upper lip
the force to restrain when you want to commit
I hate that sardonic, sarcastic smile
which looks at me, laughs and then turns aside
no promise, no words
commitments from you seem too absurd to expect
But awe, fear, a hearty laughter, a broken you,
I would wait to see passion flare in any form in you
that would make it interesting
I would for once believe you are human
Posted by reclusive_catalyst ::
12:01 PM ::

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