Interpreter of Maladies
Sunday, November 06, 2005
sad sunday
The weather has actually perked up these days. Its cool and if it gets a little colder it would be good for me. Things sadly are not perking up. I am still low and not in a great mood. Suddenly, I feel like introspecting and questioning everything in my life. I have started doubting all my achievements, if there were any. Being scared of my own confidence, if it ever existed. All my fears are coming out of the closet and the tensions of my personal life are looming large over me. Stepping out into the open scares me off. Facing people makes me lose my words and stutter. Is it all a personal agony of a wrong choice that is weighing on my shoulders? Or is it because I have lost myself somewhere. Did you know a confident, maybe intelligent me ever.
Life knocked on the backdoor yesterday
But the icy cold me, never let him inside
I thought I was doing okay
Why should I bother about welcoming life
But then life knocked the breath out of my lungs
now I am lifeless and pale
and I am wondering
what really did went wrong....
Posted by reclusive_catalyst ::
5:08 PM ::

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