Interpreter of Maladies
Saturday, August 12, 2006
I do not have the copyright to that title as that's one of the many scribbles on a piece of limestone that I utterly want to get rid of. In a freak accident not much long back, I slipped over two stairs and dislocated an ankle bone.
Yes, it was two stairs.
And I did dislocate a bone.
How the hell...I have no idea. The sensible thing, according to me would have been to put a crepe bandage on the bone and let it self heal but the doc (as all docs are) was so damn excited to put a plaster on me that he paid no heed to all my logics about-self healing, "bone dislocation does not need a plaster", "there can't be muich damage by just falling over a couple of stairs".
Until the plaster, 'twas still ok. The nail in the coffin came when they gave me a couple of crutches to go with it-as if, the plaster wasn't trendy enough !! So, voila there I was. Suspended on the crutches and carrying the trendy plaster-I sure looked great !! I have had freak things happening to me in the past but believe me, nothing has been as freaky as this. As friends visit (and incidentally also get chocolates for me) and scribble graffiti on "it", I lie down and dream of the leg-happy and active life I once lived. God, get this plaster off, before I start peeling it myself !!
Posted by reclusive_catalyst ::
9:51 AM ::

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