Interpreter of Maladies
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Are we impatient...really?
Few weeks back, at a sparsely filled auditorium, I heard a teacher telling me about the fallacies of my generation. He said that he only had one complain from the gen next..they are in too much hurry. They can't wait for results or for efforts to materialize. They feel that makes them proactive. They feel that it increases the speed of implementation but what it does infact is stops them from evaluating all round perspectives. It struck chord with me and it reminded me of all those times when I had hurriedly pressed for results, solutions, answers. I had not waited, not encompassed the length and breadth of the problem before jumping the gun.
I saw it in so many things then. The way we react to issues now. Yes, we are proactive but are we also missing the point alltogether. The way our generation has reacted to issues like reservation or the pesticides in cola issue, for example. The attitude has seeped in everywhere. Majorly, the media which does not waste even a minute before reporting, reacting and blowing up things into issues. Was it not a much safer and tolerant world a few years back when we understood and talked to each other instead of debating and engaging into a diatribe without wasting a moment.
I see the attitude in my college, among my juniors, who profess to not stand by things without even feeling the whole of it. They form opinions without even giving the issue a chance or the people, for that matter of fact. It is diabolical, the whole of it. Do we just want a few moments of glory, a moment in the sun to prove ourselves. Have we lost any mettle of our own or have we lost patience, basically.
Posted by reclusive_catalyst ::
10:06 PM ::

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