Interpreter of Maladies
Monday, November 28, 2005
Ever seen this movie titled Election-starring Reese Witherspoon. One good movie. If politics, opportunism, "wannabe"ism concerns you, this movie is a must watch. Picking up from a US university scenario with one of the professors (Matt Broderick)as a protagonist, who is audience to a college election. At the fierecely fought ballot, the opportunistic Tracy Matthew (Witherspoon), a perfectly lovely young girl who happens to be a Machiavellian power-hungry wench hiding behind a "milk-and-cookie" image, is angling for the trophy post of college president. She's chin-deep in every activity on campus, as long as she's the leader, and she wants the ultimate office. A great movie and one of the under appraised ones. I loved it because of the simple idea that it projects so vividly, hunger for power. The movie comes to mind as election sets off at IIMC. I have been flooded with manifestos, people cornering me aside to talk me into voting for them. I have seen genuine interest to work being shrouded by cheap popularist tricks. All this for mere posts in student council which would max give people a leap as a point in their CV and nothing more. But with the rising stakes, CV points become the centre of existence of an individual at an intensely competitive place like this. I personally love elections and politics as long as it is fought maturedly and voters are a sane population. As an audience of the soapbox,campaignings and also what people do once they assume the posts-I am reminded more of ELECTION-the movie, more than anything else. I wonder what would happen of people who really wish to make a difference as against the ones who would pursue their own selfish ends like Tracy. The fun part is even Tracy didn't figure out what she would do for herself with the post, all she had was this quirky hunger for power-just any form. Does power really become such a big magnet as one ages-is it something that becomes an enigma everyone chases. Those who cant get it by themselves, align to the ones who get it. It is one of the biggest mysteries of all time. This election is just a peek-a-boo into it.
Posted by reclusive_catalyst ::
8:15 PM ::

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