Interpreter of Maladies
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Happiness-where art thou?
If you know the key to your happiness-it is a great discovery. I made that discovery around seven years back and since then I have been the most lucky girl I knew. Life has thrown back its head and laughed over my naive satisfaction. When I wanted to stop, settle down and reach out and grab that key it has put another hurdle to cross. So much so that the distance kept on increasing...what looked like infinitesimal steps is almost a rift now. And no matter how much I throw my arms around I cant reach it-not now-dont know when. This helplessness has begun to show on my sunken eyes, my sarcasm at all kinds of accomplishments, the looks of a beggar...the making of a queen. Another year, two years, just one more...its been a long time...My key has waited, patiently for me to come back and unlock doors to my satisfaction but my feet have been rooted. Fate has just twisted my arm and taken me across continents, far from its reach. Some day, I tell myself..I would just suspend life..halt it and live it the way I want it. With my happiness at the helm of my decisions.
Posted by reclusive_catalyst ::
1:41 PM ::

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