Interpreter of Maladies
Monday, December 12, 2005
How is IIMC different from IITK-1
This is one series I was thinking of writing since a long time. It is a "series" as I have impending exams and so would write little, but of significantly higher value :D. Now this topic is something I have grappled with ever since I have come to IIMC. I have tried to compare the two institutions in my mind and have always thought that it makes for an interesting discussion between friends; Well my two pence for your perusal:
IIMs draw a lot of cultural inspirations from IITs, providing a similar setting and administrative system and almost holding a similar regard in the society. IIMC borrows most of its culture from IIT Kgp as a) amongst all IITians that make up this place, the majority are Kgpians and b) Both Kgp and IIMC grapple with the same issues-the problem of being an autonomous institute in West Bengal; of being stranded in a state which does not have much of a city life to offer c) Maybe the first few entrants, the culture making beginners at this place would have included a few Kgpians and their backgrounds would have affected the way traditions moulded themselves at IIMC. I have not personally visited IIT Kgp and the sole source from which I draw this inspiration is the fact that the Kgp denizens at this place seem to be so much in sync with the culture at IIMC. There has to be some kind of link. While the rest of us crib about the dilapidated hostels, the moss on the walls, the really unhygienic food and the morose/sad environs inside the campus-I hardly see Kgpians complaining-maybe because they feel at home with this campus. As for the rest of us, we face problems at the lack of doing nothing within the campus and the absolute mediocrity of facilities inside-not that this is all that goes in to make a great campus-but coming from our contexts this is what strikes us the most.
Well, so much for now. Would write the next brief soon.
Posted by reclusive_catalyst ::
6:13 PM ::

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