Interpreter of Maladies
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
listening to Hariprasad Chaurasia at IIMC
As the music began to play around me, something like honey was dissolving within me. Closing my eyes, I felt the soothing feeling that only music can provide. Today evening, after a long time, I came to terms with the power of music. The beautiful flute recital, happy, sad, full of pathos or overjoyed spoke a language of its own. For the disturbed state of mind that I currently suffer from, this was like ambrosia. Have no regrets that I missed studying for the exam thats going to happen tomorrow and more than glad that I went to watch Hari Prasad Chaurasia in flesh playing a flute recital just metres away from me. The feeling was so relaxing that I have still not been able to get back to books. The lingering feeling still remains. It was as if, something had trasnported me from Joka to all those places that I pine for, in just...moments. Music has a power, undoubtable, but the way that power was manifested in front of me, today evening, I was amazed. For the first time, I appreciated the luxuries of studying in IIMC. Where else can you go catch Hariprasad Chaurasia in a moment's notice. There have been issues weighing me down since sometime, freakish behavioral tendencies best described as. I have been having problems of my own that have bogged me down and the past provides no respite too. But tonight, the flute recital eased out the pain and replaced it with a calm peaceful satisfaction. My feelings of leaving this place and going back to where I come from have subsided too. Thats a great improvement, for one. Music holds you in a charm and thus makes you realize how much better can life be and the efforts to reach that stage should be continued and which is why Nirvana is so much desired and junta tries to reach it every now and then. Cant do a thorough analysis but this evening has been magical, to say the least, something I would remember for a long time.
Posted by reclusive_catalyst ::
12:33 AM ::

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