Interpreter of Maladies
Saturday, April 23, 2005
My new laptop !!
Being a non-techie (don't misunderstand, by qualification, I am an engineer) and a non-comp person at that, getting a laptop is a big event for me. I wanted to stick to the good old desktop but common sense (of my techie friends) pervailed over my cautious thought. Everyone told me that for a price different of 6-7K, I would be getting a laptop which would not only be lighter than a desktop but would serve the same purpose. Add woofer speakers and you have a music system. I listened, deliberated and then finally succumbed to majority. My new laptop is a Dell Inspiron (I don't know what that means !!) 600m (no idea abt these wierd numbers too). It is light and sleek and looks good. Though I have more ideas about aesthetics rather than functionality so I might be wrong on all counts. I just needed a comp like device which could play movies, music and help me with general computing functions. This system seems to fit my requirements but I thought and thought and thought before finally making the call. The laptop is on its way now (Dell has shipped it) and would be here in 2-3 days. I wonder, when I take it to the MBA school (which seems to be the big purpose right now), would people label me as a techie. I also wonder when people ask me about the configuration, I would be dumbfounded. So are the dilemmas of a non-techie and forced to be techie girl. I titled this blog as "My new laptop !!' when I began scribbling but as I am approaching the end, I have a strong inclination to change it to "me and my laptop-would we last?". Poor , confused me !!!
Posted by reclusive_catalyst ::
9:33 PM ::

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