Interpreter of Maladies
Friday, January 28, 2005
Wierd Verse-Wierdest Ever !!!!!
Written for a friend who feels just the same. We even put it to music and it sounds great. Maybe I should change the title...this isn't that wierd !!!
Disgust for the world
Contempt for the new
Yearning to go back to Eden-a mirage in disguise
looking at the yellowing leaves and the smog filled skies
wishing to wield the power
to destroy and then not justify
Do I have to change the world overnight
am I the Superman who still survives
A nostalgia that refuses to breathe its last
Would love to be a chameleon, but just that I can't
Strung betwixt the heaven and the hell
Not loving where I am
Can't reach where I ain't
Understanding is out of stock
Only compromises sell
Do I have to change the world overnight
am I the superman who still survives
I could give up, give in, and sit down
instead of changing the world
I could just turn it around
cull out my part of the world from the rubble
and just live with it, strong yet subtle
yet, I wish to show the mirror to the world
maybe I am the maverick who would be burnt to cinders
but then, superheroes are born to die
maybe my legend would still survive
Do I have to change the world overnight
am I the superman who still survives
Posted by reclusive_catalyst ::
4:27 PM ::

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Thursday, January 13, 2005
Please Dont Go
it happened in a day
like a whiff of smoke, you passed away
never paid heed to my screams
I just wanted you to wait, till I reached
You didnt miss the four walls that loved you so much
didnt miss the old soul in the bed beside you
did you miss the old telly and your daily pet soap
did you miss the last evening with me, and the embrace of a lifetime
if you did miss these
why didnt you wait till I reached
I cant read you now as your eyes are closed
and you cant tell me about the gossip of the neighbors
because your lips have turned cold, ice cold
they tell me your hands are like frozen sticks
but your palms were so warm when I had touched them
You could have kept your promise for once
and just waited till I reached
They would burn you like cinders and my heart would explode now
you can't take away my share of love with you
you can't rob me of the lap that brought back the child in me
you can't make me loose all that I have
please, for once, come back for me
I promise not to fight, not to tell you to keep quiet
but the misery is too much, and I would die of the pain
I wonder if I could have stopped you this time
if only you could have waited till I reached
Posted by reclusive_catalyst ::
11:21 AM ::

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