Interpreter of Maladies
Friday, December 10, 2004
From the barren lands across the dried banks of the river,
where the sun is so hot, it has burned the green grass,
where girls grow faster than maize and barley
i come from that land-
a small town girl with big time dreams
raring to go before others
thats coz she has no first mover advantage
she is a back bencher of the civillization
started after others had learnt their lessons
she is neither faster, nor smarter than the crowd
still she thinks she is special
her mom thinks so-and-her neighbours think the same
though she is only-
a small town girl with big time dreams
with eyes ready to burst
and a tongue ready to lash
a dignity, thats afraid of its existence
a dignity, thats her only true friend
dreams dont cost, so she dreams a lot
loses her words and stammers often
the accent, so archaic, yet truth in her eyes
her only fault being-
she is a small town girl with big time dreams
Posted by reclusive_catalyst ::
12:15 PM ::

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