Interpreter of Maladies
Monday, November 22, 2004
BACK TO WORK :-( :-(
you know i should have been better off living in hills...removed from civillization...I just hate to live in a crowd full of people, people and more people. I love my folks, love them so much that I wish there were companies in a laid back city like kanpur so that I could have been doing a job there...but alas god is unkind and so it makes engineers out of people like me and then makes them work in a crazy city like delhi where one week of work makes you pine to return back home.
I dont know why my folks and everybody around me thinks that I ought to do an MBA...I have no such fancies...infact I would be happy sitting in front of my work desk, do a work and be paid decently for doing it....but people...they just make you do nething...the other day I was asking a family friend perusing my horoscope, who was making predictions of unparalleled fame and titanic wealth for me....what would happen to i really going to make it big someday ....and he with conviction dripping from his voice promised me so...
So chill baby...every dog has his day and mine would be there pretty I should stop sobbing and get back to work...poor, old work....
Posted by reclusive_catalyst ::
9:15 AM ::

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